ORMUS and Structure
by Barry Carter
Created: May 11, 2002
Modified: October 24, 2010

Many of the problems that we deal with in the world can be traced to the structures that we have created and empowered to act on our behalf. We create these structures, empower them and then they take on a life of their own. The structures we created become our masters instead of our servants as we originally intended.

Lao Tzu wrote:

When people lost sight of the way to live
Came codes of love and honesty,
Learning came, charity came,
Hypocrisy took charge;
When differences weakened family ties
Came benevolent fathers and dutiful sons;
And when lands were disrupted and misgoverned
Came ministers commended as loyal.

When we loose confidence in our ability to manifest what we need, we build structures to provide for these needs. These structures can be buildings or they can be institutions like corporations, governments or religions. Out of our fear we build these structures so that they will endure without change to provide that which we no longer believe we can provide for ourselves.

One of the primary characteristics of life is change. Structure is created to resist change. When we think of changing structure we often think in terms of creating new structures to change the old. This often results in two structures battling for control with living things being the losers.

We saw this when a constitutional structure was created to overcome royal and religious structures. Now we are seeing corporate structures working to take over the constitutional structure. All of these structures ended up being suppressive.

At a certain point, many of the social and economic structures we have built take on a sort of life of their own. They seek to perpetuate themselves by cornering the market on certain of our needs. When these structures get very large and powerful a few of them may try to totally control our access to food, energy, health care, shelter, clothing or free choice.

Structure typically uses certain tactics to gain and maintain control. Limitation and control of necessary resources is one of these tactics. By controlling necessities for life, structure can gain control over us. Thus if a structure controls our access to food, energy, health care, shelter, clothing or free choice that structure can effectively control us. On the other hand, the more we are in control of our own source of supply in these areas the less power we will be giving to structure.

Some scientific and religious structures would prefer to have us believe that the nature of God, the universe and everything is essentially structured and changeless. The structure of science tells us that immutable physical laws control our lives and that scientific structure is necessary to bring us the benefits of food, health and energy. The structure of religion tells us that we must believe only in one version of one book and that the religious structure (church) must mediate any connection we might want to develop with God, the universe and everything. Both structures foster these beliefs in order to obtain and maintain control.

Corporate structures tend to try to control us (their "consumers") by threatening to take away those things which they provide and which they have taught us that we cannot provide for ourselves. Structures use fear as their greatest ally.

As corporate, governmental and religious structures grow very large and powerful they tend to loose track of the other needs of the people they were built to serve. They also tend to maximize short term "profit" by "mining" resources without consideration of sustainability. Supply lines tend to get longer, more interdependent and more fragile.

Our food supply capability is a good example of this. The small, local, family farm has given way to large, distant corporate farms. These large farms are much more dependent on petroleum for running equipment and for shipping food to the distant consumer. As nearby petroleum is "mined" out, the supply lines for it grow longer and more difficult to support and defend. The large corporate farms also become more and more dependent on chemical poisons and fertilizers to maintain production levels because they have depleted ("mined") the mineral productivity of the soil.

As nearby soil is depleted we must go further and further to find productive land. This same scenario has been repeated over and over by every city-based civilization in the past. At some point the supply lines and profit margins are stretched so thin that the smallest disruption can bring the entire structure to the ground. We saw something like this happen with the airline industry after 9-11.

Structure is not alive and can become hostile to life. All of the world's great spiritual teachers have opposed existing structures and suggested ways to change them. They say that we do not need to believe that we are dependent on structures to supply our needs. We should not serve structure; structure should serve us.

So, if building new structures is not the best way to bring about change in old structures what are some good ways? The best way is to connect directly with God, the universe and everything. Spiritual folks call this connection LOVE, scientists call it quantum coherence or quantum non-locality. Regardless of what it is called the process involves improving our connection to All That Is.

I suspect that the ORMUS elements can improve this connection. They appear to be sort of an intermediate stage between physical matter and non-physical spirit.

They can levitate (See: http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/research/levitate.avi). They can disappear in one place and reappear in another. Puddles of ORMUS water have been observed moving across the floor toward the nearest person.

Sharon Rose describes them thus:

"I believe the M-state is consciousness and that it helps us to be more conscious of those things that are on the forefront of our inner life. It is the essence that comes before matter. I theorize that whatever state we are in will be accentuated in the presence of the M-state."

Our dependence on existing health care structures is sure to be reduced as we learn to produce our own ORMUS materials. Many people have noted that the ORMUS materials seem to facilitate physical healing. See some of these reports at:


There are also reports that these materials can form the basis for devices that extract energy from the aether.

There is evidence that they are a "miracle" nutrient for plants. The ORMUS materials might help us to produce more of our food locally by rebuilding soil productivity. Ongoing studies of sea ORMUS on plants indicate that this form of ORMUS does the following for these plants:

Plants produce more and larger
Plants produce sooner
Produce lasts longer on the shelf
More resistant to freezing
More resistant to insects and disease
More drought tolerant
Heliotropism is increased
Cellular respiration is increased
Taste better
More nutritious in every way measured

Plants which have been watered with ORMUS appear to have great benefits for animals that eat these plants:

"Started feeding mice both experimental and control, food that was raised on the Ray Heine and Sons Farm. The experimental food had been raised on soil fertilized with 2200 pounds (per acre) complete sea solids. The control food was the same as the experimental with the exception that it was not fertilized with complete sea solids. The food consisted of a combination of one part soybean, two parts oats, four parts corn, balanced food proteins, carbohydrates and fats for mammals.

C3H mice were obtained for this feeding experiment. This strain of mice has been bred so all the females develop breast cancer which causes their demise. The mice were two months of age when received and started on the feeding experiments. The life expectancy of this strain for females is no more than nine months which included the production of two or three litters. The experimental and control groups both consisted of 200 C3H mice and those fed on control food were all dead within eight months seven days. The experimental mice that were fed food grown on the sea solids fertilized soil lived until they were sacrificed at 16 months; definitive examination revealed no cancer"

Read more about the effects of ORMUS on plants at:


The ORMUS elements appear to be a great way to bring about changes to existing structures by facilitating the love connection. It looks like they can also be used to help us become less dependent on structure for food, health and energy.

When people talk about how geological, economic or social disaster will come they are generally most afraid of how it will deplete their source of supply for those things that they think they need. They do not realize that structure must change or it will stifle life.

With ORMUS we have an opportunity to bring change to structures without the disastrous disruption, which might otherwise accompany the destruction of these structures.

I know we are in a time of great change but change does not have to mean disaster. Those people who cooperate with their neighbors the best are more likely to prosper in these times than those who have filled bunkers with food, gasoline and guns.

I think that the greatest thing that the ORMUS materials will bring to the world is "instant karma". I have noticed that both my wants and my fears manifest much more quickly as I become more and more saturated with ORMUS. This nearly instant feedback is helping me to learn that I attract those things that I put my attention on. I much prefer to put my attention on how we can build community and love in the world than to put my attention on fear of the disasters that might result if we don't do this.

As we do build community and love in our neighborhoods we will find that our dependence on structure diminishes. If we quit feeding these monsters they will wither away in a quiet and natural process.