ORMUS Tomatoes
by Eric Johnson

Greetings Barry,

I have done a semi-scientific study with some tomato plants and thought I would run it by you. Feel free to post to the science group if you think it's worthy.

The left pic is the control group that received no Ormus. The right pic is the Ormus group
that received four drops of pacific ocean precip. (thanx Rick Mousley for the sea water).

All these plants were planted the same day in the same way. They get no fertilizer, equal water, and the controls are about ten feet or so away from the ormus group so they all get the same sun.

The left pic is of the control group and the right is the Ormus group. (the above two pics)

Close up of a control is at the left and the right is the Ormus treated plant on 7-06-05

I used four different species three plants each.  Two plants of each species got 4 drops of pacific sea water precip made via the wet method (which was not annealed of the magnesium) and one of each got nothing. Due to space I did not do two control plants. Right now I can tell a difference in the vascular structure, number of blooms, over all size and stem thickness between the ormus plants and the controls. The ormus plants are better in all categories. I'll try to update in a month or so, any questions or suggestions feel free!

Eric Johnson  (Allkayme)

Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 01:26:52 EDT
Subject: Tomato plant update

Greetings Barry,

These are the update pics of the controls and the Ormus treated plants.

The above on the left is the control plant "Early Girl" on 8-10-05.  On the right is the ormus counterpart on 8-10-05.

Above are all the control plants on 8-10-05.

Above is the Ormus group on 8-10-05,
I should not have planted them so close together!

Both  groups are above. 8-10-05

Generally the Ormus group is about 15-20% bigger than the controls and more fruit in general as well.  The vascular structure is more robust and stem size is thicker as well with the Ormus group.  Can't wait to see how they taste!

Good luck with everything,