Hudson Essene and Jim--Levitation Compared


The three main long-term researchers into the ORMUS materials all report similar levitation effects. David Hudson has done the best job of documenting these effects in his patent. In order to establish a definite weight for the ORMUS form of iridium for the patent examiner, Hudson put his material through something called "thermo-gravimetric analysis".  In this process, the material was weighed continuously while it was being slowly heated and cooled.  Figures 8-17 of Hudson's patent are images of the chart recorder output of this process.  See:


In David Hudson's patent demonstration experiment, which he reported in his various lectures, m-state iridium is heated to 850 degrees Celsius and its weight fluctuates between +575% and -25% of starting weight, the weight fluctuation could have been from magnetic or gravitational levitation. In his earlier lectures he postulated that this effect was magnetic levitation but in later presentations he claimed gravitational levitation.


Jim reported that some of his early experiences with the ORMUS materials resulted in something he called "fly ash" because it would fly away if one reached for it. Here are some comments from Jim on his "fly ash":


[JIM] The first one was some STP, muddy water from some samples that we took from up there and nuked them in his [T's] garage.  We were still trying to figure out what's up.  It did not work well.  I mean we did get some gold but a lot of it that was extracted until we had the air cell going full force, when it evaporated and dried it turned into fly ash.


[BARRY]     Why do you call it fly ash?


[JIM] Because when you'd reach for it, it would fly away.


[BARRY]     What do you mean by that?


[JIM] When you reach for it, it moved away.  That's it.


[BARRY]     Where did it move?


[JIM] Anyplace it had to.  Up the side of a jar, out of a pan.  Unless it was wet you couldn't handle it.



[BARRY]     You said you had some in a jar and you put your hand over the jar and it would float up to your hand?


[JIM] No.  We had fly-ash as we called it in a jar.  White . . .


[BARRY]     Powder?


[JIM] Well, yea, it was kind of a flake.  Little flakes that came off of wedges between the acrylic in the carbon air cell.  We had some of those in a jar and you would reach for it and they would move to the other side of the jar and stuff.  Especially in a garage wall lined with tools.  You know iron tools hanging everywhere.  It was pretty alive.


[BARRY]     What do you mean by pretty alive?


[JIM] It moved a lot.  By itself.


[BARRY]     You could sit there and watch it move?


[JIM] Ah, it would be more like it was [?] [?] up and stuff like that.


[BARRY]     Where was that?


[JIM] In T's garage sitting on the window sill.  Probably still there.  RH's garage had a bunch of that fly-ash, too, in it.  Lots of it.


[BARRY]     Now you have a sample . . . GC may have a sample of some of this stuff.


[JIM] I used to have some in a Popov Vodka bottle.



[DM]  Um, fly ash as I understand it, that forms in a dry area and it stays dry?


[JIM] The fly ash I don't really know too much about.  Other than when the charcoal was damp we could pan it out, we could separate it and we could work with it.  When it was dry, it was out of there.  I mean it was out of there!  You couldn't touch it, catch it.  This is why I have a problem with somewhat of the monoatomic gold, you know, sitting around in the dry state, because the only way keep it was wet.  Or what I suspect was monoatomic gold I should say.


[DM]  Ok, well this fly ash you saved that day, that was collected at someplace within the column is that right?  Below the charcoal in the column? 


[JIM] In the charcoal.  Yes, the fly ash was always in the charcoal or it was underneath the pan.


[DM]  But it was wet?


[JIM] Yes, but it was always wet when we could accumulate it.  Off the carbon it was always when it was damp, we would roll it around in the pan to get that.



Jim had these experiences in 1989, long before he had ever heard of David Hudson or his materials. I saw some of the effects he talked about (also before I had ever heard of Hudson).


When Jim started duplicating his earlier work, after hearing David Hudson's Portland lecture, he said that he produced more of the "fly ash" several times but I only saw this effect in one sample that Jim provided me with. I videotaped this material "jumping" away from a moving magnet several minutes of this videotape can be seen on the web at:


Magnetic Levitation "Movie" by Barry Carter
levitate.avi               2.7mb
levitate.wmv            1.1mb
JumpingAu.wmv    2.49mb


The first time I met the Essene (in May of 1997) he told me a story about a levitation demonstration that Hudson made at a UFO conference in California. Here is the transcript of his retelling of this story which I taped when I visited him in August of 1999:


The Essene: Now I went to California, I went to Ashland, actually, to listen to David Hudson speak. After David Hudson's speech was done I went to California to a UFO meeting. Now this was not a bunch of phonies. This was scientific people.  We had the lecture in the auditorium and I paid real good attention. Well, come demonstration time they took a table like this [he pointed to his kitchen table], only it was clean, (mine never is). But anyway, they took and laid a sheet of plastic over this table. This plastic was about half an inch thick. They turned another table upside down over this table and they put a whole pile of barbell weights on the top table. Then they had people from the audience come up and stick their hands underneath the table, like this. The top table would float away--with the weights.


Jim:        Back to the fly ash.


Barry:      Now the sheet had the m-state iridium in it?


The Essene: Right, exactly. And it was your aura that was actually picking the top table up.


Barry:      Now, that m-state iridium wouldn't have been annealed?


The Essene: No.


Barry:      So it was just the moving magnetic field that caused it to move?


The Essene: Your moving aura.


Barry:      See this is the principle that this magnetic trap that Jim developed works under. It magnetically expels the m-state iridium, probably, from water. A lot of it's iridium and ah . . .


Jim:        Run it through the turbine, spin the water over a magnetic field, the mono levitates against the water and you pull it out through wicking material that's hydrophobic.


The Essene: Same thing.



After this experience, I would think that the Essene wanted to duplicate this effect. This is probably why he made up some pure m-state iridium in order to get a levitating disk. Here is the rest of the transcript of the Essene's account of his experiences with levitation:


Barry:      That sort of brings up the next question. So how is it different?


The Essene: How did it fly?


Barry:      How do they fly? What is the m-state iridium. Is it a gravitational shield?


The Essene: It's a gravitational shield. It won't allow the gravitational force to penetrate it.


Barry:      Why?


The Essene: I really don't know.


Barry:      Hm.


The Essene: But there is no force field of any kind [which can penetrate it].


Barry:      Um hm.



Barry:      What's the process, step by step, for getting m-state iridium into a levitating disk?


The Essene: All right, you take and make you up your m-state iridium fresh and you mix it into a ceramic clay--I use a porcelain clay--and mix it very, very thoroughly. The idea of annealing it is to spread the iridium molecules out so they are even because any place they're cluster they loose their spin.


Barry:      You anneal it in what kind of a furnace?


The Essene: I use a toaster oven--a cupelling furnace. And the idea of it is that as you anneal it they push apart from each other and spread and they get even. This is the whole idea of annealing it. Now, iridium will not work if it is all together, it has to be set in an egg crate situation with something holding it apart.


Barry:      A matrix.


The Essene: Yeah.


Barry:      And your annealing oven is an electric oven?


The Essene: Yeah.


Barry:      Will it work in a gas oven?


The Essene: Certainly.


Barry:      You've done it that way too?


The Essene: No. When I was playing with that I didn't have my gas oven.


Barry:      But you think it will work in a gas oven.


The Essene: I'm certain it will.


M:          You made it in an egg carton?


The Essene: No, visualize in your mind how eggs set in a carton. Each one is separate. You're using the porcelain to isolate the iridium that way.


Barry:      Particles.


Jim:        Just like ferrite for a magnetic core.


Barry:      How much iridium [is mixed into the clay]? You said about ten percent. Is that it?


The Essene: About it.


Jim:        Can I buy some iridium from you?


The Essene: I'll give you some iridium sand and you can clean the damn stuff yourself.


Barry:      M, do you want some iridium too?


M:          Yeah.



In a sense, Jim's magnetic trap is a vivid demonstration of superconductive magnetic levitation. We literally spin water in a magnetic field and the superconducting portion of the water is concentrated by magnetic levitation. Jim has converted this portion into the platinum group metals and gold.


All three researchers maintain that ordinary m-state materials do not exhibit magnetic repulsion or levitation properties. Each researcher claims that they must be prepared in a special way in order to exhibit these properties. Hudson provides levitation data only on m-state iridium. The Essene claims that only pure m-state iridium will exhibit levitation properties and Jim only noticed the phenomena occasionally with certain m-state materials.


David Hudson claims that the m-state he makes must be what he calls S-ORMEs which are distinct from ordinary ORMEs. The "S" in S-ORMEs stands for "superconducting". Here is the portion of his patent where he discusses this:


All of the electron pairs in their lowest energy state, unlike single electrons, can exist in the same quantum state. When that uniform quantum state is achieved, the electron pair can not only move with zero resistance around the monoatom, but also can move with zero resistance between identical ORMEs that are within approximately 20 A or less of each other with no applied voltage potential. When a macro system of high purity, single element ORME achieves long-range quantum electron pair movement, that many-body system according to the present invention is defined as an S-ORME system.


An S-ORME system does not possess a crystalline structure but the individual ORMEs will, over time, space themselves as uniformly as possible in the system. The application of a minimum external magnetic field will cause the S-ORME system to respond by creating a protective external field ["Meissner Field"] that will encompass all those S-ORMEs within the 20 A limit. As used herein, "minimum external magnetic field" is defined as a magnetic field which is below the critical magnetic field which causes the collapse of the Meissner Field. This field is generated by electron pair movement within the system as a response to the minimum applied magnetic field. The (Ir) S-ORME and the (Au) S-ORME systems have a minimum critical field (''Hc1'') that is below the earth's magnetic field. The minimum critical field for a (Rh) S-ORME is slightly above the earth's magnetic field. When the quantum flux flow commences, due to the minimum external magnetic field being applied, the doublet in the IR spectrum will disappear because electron pairs are no longer bound in a fixed position on the individual ORME monoatoms.


Once the externally applied field exceeds the level which overcomes the protective Meissner Field of the S-ORME system ( "Hc2" ), then any electrons moving between individual ORME atoms will demonstrate an ac Josephson junction type of response. The participating ORMEs will act as a very precise tuning device for electromagnetic emissions emanating from free electrons between ORMEs. The frequency of these emissions will be proportional to the applied external magnetic field. A one microvolt external potential will produce electromagnetic frequencies of 5x108 cycles per second. Annihilation radiation frequencies (about 1020 cycles per second) will be the limiting frequency of the possible emission. The reverse physical process of adding specific frequencies can generate the inverse relationship, i.e., a specific voltage will be produced for each specific applied frequency.


ORMEs can be reconverted to their constituent T-metals, but, as noted, are not identifiable as specific T-metals while in their ORME state. If a specific ORME is formed from a specific T-metal by using the procedure of this invention, it can only be confirmed by conventional analytical methods that the specific ORME was formed by reconstituting it as the T-metal.



Hudson's patent is available on the web at:


It is clear, from the above, that Hudson's S-ORME material is in a higher energy state than the ordinary ORME material that he starts with. From the Essene's description of his process for making the levitating ceramic disks it is also evident that ordinary m-state iridium does not levitate by itself until it is repeatedly annealed. Jim's is the only material which seems to levitate without special additional treatment.


Jim and I have discussed this difference at length and we have concluded that there are two distinct m-state materials that we are working with. One would be the white precipitate that we get by bringing the pH of suitable liquid up to 10.78 or so. The other would be the oily liquid that we obtain from the magnetic trap or make from metal using ozone.


The best indicator that these are two distinct forms of the ORMUS elements is that one can take water which has been concentrated in a magnetic trap and run the Wet Method on it. If you compare the amount of precipitate from trap water to the amount of precipitate from source water you will find that both amounts are roughly the same. You do not get any more precipitate from trap water than from the water which was used to generate the trap water.


The oily trap water requires an entirely different process to convert it to metal than does the process to convert the precipitate to metal.


Gary proposed a theory to account for this. He suggested that there is a spectrum of ORMEishness which goes from metal to full ORME through about a dozen steps which correspond to the degree of Cooper pairing among the electrons in a diatomic ORME system. The partially Cooper paired ORME diatoms would respond weakly in chemical valence bonds and would show up as the precipitate.


The fully Cooper paired diatoms would be immune to chemical manipulation because they would have no electrons available for valence bonding. But since they would be in a bosonic state, they would exhibit superconducting properties and could be manipulated using magnetic fields.


The annealing process that both Hudson and the Essene described as being necessary to get their respective materials to levitate would spin the atoms into a higher level of Cooper pairing.


Jim's ozone process would get to the fully Cooper paired diatoms in a single stage and his magnetic trap would simply concentrate the fully paired diatoms from air or water. Gary's comments on ORMUS superconductivity can be found at:


I have written an article on ORMUS and Ozone which can be found at:


Gary has provided extensive commentary on how ozone might be a very effective method for developing fully Cooper paired ORMUS diatoms. Here is a portion of that commentary:


Jim's ozone technology generates a substantial amount of O6. I don't believe this particular allotrope is recognized yet, or it just barely has been, and satisfying the karmic cost of that has been the cause of the delay in discussing it for you.


This is a conjugate molecule, which might be termed di-ozone, and consists of six oxygen helices, arranged at the corners a hexagonal cell, alternating +-+-+-.  It is reminiscent of the phalanx of rocket engines at the base of a Delta launch vehicle.


In oxides of the smaller members of the dumbbell atomic family, e.g. sodium, the oxygen spiral actually situates so it winds round or encircles the main central body of the dumbbell.  From copper upwards in the dumbbells, and also the bars group, it cannot do this (oxygen is too small in diameter for them to fit), and so contents itself with a side-by-side arrangement, like a catamaran's outrigger. In the case of dumbbells, the oxygen and dumbbell axes always align in parallel.  For a heavy dumbbell atom like gold, it is like a tiny man, dancing with a huge fat lady - there just isn't any good way to hold on, and this is (in simple terms), how gold resists oxidation so well.


I previously stated

  >Simple glancing thermal collisions knock the monatomic atom

  >into a rapid spin, and that is how the high spin [super

  >deformed] state leading to ORME transition is most commonly



Now, I may finally say some things about the particular ORMEs generating mechanism you are concerned with.


ORMEs formation by ozonation is a mechanism that also occurs in Nature.  A small but significant amount of O6 is produced by each lightning strike, and also by highly energetic photons in the upper troposphere, stratosphere and ionosphere.  However, because of their very high reactivity, the mean life of O6 molecules is usually quite short, and so this mechanism generates far fewer ORMEs in Nature than geothermal processes, yet it is still an important process.


When an O6 complex approaches a gold dumbbell, something quite interesting happens.  Oxygen is a highly vigorous atom taken singly, but the dipolar forces from six synchronized oxygens, working as a team, is something exceptionally powerful, and in a class by itself.  The powerful forces of this molecule are what effects the transition of gold, etc., into a superdeformed condition, and thence into the ORME state.


In most cases, even when a single oxygen is paired with a dumbbell, the axial dipole of the oxygen has a marked effect on the configuration of the dumbbell.  For example, a copper hydroxide molecule [Cu(OH)2] is flanked by 2 OH groups, each of which consists of an oxygen spiral with a hydrogen triangle (composed of 3 quarks) floating over each end;  these two OH's stand on opposite sides of the copper main body.  The effect of the forces from the ends of the oxygens in this configuration is to repel and displace the funnels on each end of the copper, into a shape like an oriental fan or peacock tail, standing straight out like a Mohican haircut, on each end of the copper. This funnel displacement takes place, even after the forces at the ends of the oxygens have been mediated and toned down by the hydrogen groups.


The published illustration of Cu(OH)2 in Occult Chemistry doesn't do it justice.  Leadbeater and Besant early on gave up trying to show things in 3-D, and settled for simple 2-D diagrams of the elements.  The oxygens are not really in the plane of the fan as depicted, even though described that way in the text, written by Jinarajadasa, who was describing the illustration rather than the atomic structure.  The plane connecting the two oxygen cylinder axes is actually perpendicular to the copper's funnel-fan plane.


When gold meets an O6 complex, something of like nature occurs to its funnels.  As they approach, the O6 and gold polarly align, and the gold dumbbell slips into the center of the hexagonal O6 cell, which enlarges somewhat to accommodate the gold.  Like flowers held in the blast of a jet engine exhaust, the funnels at each end of the gold then stand straight out, along the main axis of this complex, under the powerful combined action of the forces emanating from the ends of the synchronized oxygens.


The 6 oxygens each contain counter-rotating spirals.  These all come into phase lock when an O6 molecule forms, so that all 12 spirals are rotating in a synchronous fashion in the molecule, speaking in regards to the rotational phase relationships of the main charge carriers, which are uniformly located, one per turn, on the helix of each spiral.  This intra- molecular phase resonance is responsible for the great power of the O6 group, which thus exceeds the sum of its parts in its oxidizing potential.  As can be seen, physical structure has a lot to do with atomic interaction and bonding potentialities.


With the funnels of an O6-embraced gold dumbbell standing straight out, it at this point has precisely the same super- deformed physical configuration as a dumbbell in high spin. This then, constitutes the basis of the mechanism responsible for the formation of Cooper pairing, and genesis of the ORMEs state, that occurs from exposing specific elements to high energy ozone.  A very similar process occurs when bars family elements are exposed to O6.  For compounds such as gold chloride, there are additional complexities, but in general terms, basically the same type of phenomena occurs.


The highly dipolar nature of this complex is what lies behind, and is responsible for, the magnetic properties of ozonated ORMEs (or ORMEs di-ozonides) and their salts.  There are a number of variations to the structure I've just described. For example, the O6 group acquires hydrogen ions to form hydroxyl groups (similar to those of copper hydroxide, described earlier) when in water.


The propensity for the an ozone-gold complex to deposit gold on carbon, and its attraction to hydrocarbons such as grease and gasoline, is nothing more than an expression of the disposition of these materials to oxidize, and the affinity of the O6 in such an ORMEs complex for them.  The appetite of the O6 is hardly satiated by the gold dumbbell, and it is eager to find something else more reactive to bond to.


Even the tetroxides of platinum group elements like Ru and Os are relatively volatile, and the di-ozonides are even more volatile.  When di-ozone is combined with salt complexes of these metals, the resultant compound is more stable, but is still anxious to be elsewhere, as soon as it gets a chance. For instance, in aqueous solution, volatility increases due to dissociation.


Following laws of partial pressure and osmotic diffusion, volatized ORMEs (fully capable of tunneling), will ignore barriers to other molecules, and go to where the closest, most attractive reactants are, following the path (as they see it) of least resistance: straight through into the gas tank, the crankcase, and the grease spots on the floor.  The more combustive energy a substance has, the more the di-ozone portion will be attracted to it.


When the oxygens have reached their destination, they may or may not abandon the ORME they are attached to.  There is a wide range of events that could happen at this point.  But as you have seen, in some cases metal will be deposited, and some ORMEs will also remain, gelling the material.  The absorption of "gold gas", or di-ozone-ORMEs complex into silica gel, which has a natural affinity for ozone, is based on the same principle; its affinity for di-ozone is greater still, in proportion to the increased O6 reactivity.


When kept in solution in a beaker as di-ozone ORMEs complexes, when they leave the liquid phase at the fluid interface, they do not go straight up into the atmosphere above the liquid, but depart from the liquid along a vector which is dependent on their departure velocity vector, and this vector is random through a 180 degree umbrella.  Because of the pseudo two dimensional interface between the container and the liquid, this will naturally tend to be an area where significant migration activity occurs.  Because of this, the number of ORMEs exiting along or immediately near the edges of the glass container will be greater than for any other part of the liquid surface.  It is also obvious that particles exiting in this region will tend to strike the inner wall of the container, just at or above the liquid level, since a large number of their possible departure vectors will point them at that region, for that exit zone, around the edge where the liquid/container interface or meniscus is.


Some percentage of the ORMEs hitting this region of the inner container wall will tunnel, rather than rebound.  Should the tunneling ORMEs deozonate, as a result of local conditions in the amorphous structure of the glass, than the resulting gold atom will become stuck there, and its "appearance" will result in a localized stress riser, as a dislocation in the glass structure.  After enough of these stress dislocations have accumulated in the same region, the glass will crack.  In this case it cracks in a nice clean ring.


Tunneling was occurring in other parts of Jim's glass beaker walls also, but this was taking place at random locations, so the points of added stress were spread out and more-or-less evenly distributed.  Hence no cracking anywhere else.  Glass containers should not be used to store ORMEs solutions for prolonged periods.


The solid/liquid transition Jim observed, depending on the presence of ambient light is very interesting.  This is a phase change, or mesophase, between a 3D crystal lattice and 2D liquid crystal.  While liquid crystals are thermotropic, this is in fact a phototropic mesophase change, mediated by the change in lattice binding energy from just ambient photons at frequencies matching the absorption spectra of the material.   I have been considering and investigating possible karmic pathways which could enable discussions to be presented on ORMEs subjects of immediate interest.  These include the further discussion of subjects related to the formation of ORMEs produced by Jim's patented ozone technology; on the numerous important observations of ORMEs phenomena you have related; on means of separating partial ORMEs from one another according to Cooper pairing levels; on other phenomena reported by DH which have as yet only been described in terms fitting his understanding, which is largely grounded in conventional (though certainly up to date) scientific views of atomic theory; and a number of other areas.


There is 6 inches of string to bridge two points 10 inches apart.  Either the string must be made longer, the points brought closer, or some of both.  The string is the karmic cost of the knowledge, and the span is the knowledge gap to be bridged.  The prospects look good that this can be done.


I encourage you to continue to actively pursue a course that will remove those obstacles.  Continue the active exchange and brokerage of information.  Continue looking for a way to obtain FEs to support this purpose.  I suggest you approach Jim, at such time as seems to you to be propitious, with a request for a signed authorization from him, granting you, and also me, his permission to construct FEs for evaluation purposes.  Besides forwarding the expansion of knowledge, that will also allow you to legally advance the designs of prototype models you plan to later produce.


Anything you can do to augment the flow of additional knowledge into the equation from sources such as yourself, Jim, or your other contacts and associates, will allow, and lead to, expanded scope of discussions, and interpretive explanations to promote your understanding. Keep up your efforts, Barry.  The karma of this thing is beginning to melt like the wicked witch after Dorothy dowsed her.




Dissolution in acids may occur with partial ORMEs; a sample may be *nothing but* partial ORMEs and still completely dissolve in acid. Whether partials will dissolve in acids depends on the particular element involved, the degree of partiality, and the energy flowing through the paired valence circuits.  You and Hudson presently lack means of quantitatively determining either of these last two parameters.  You can use acid to eliminate partial content from your samples.  But there are other considerations.  Acids may also react with the oxygens in ORMEs-di-ozonides, with deleterious consequences, as explained in a moment.


You must be careful to properly distinguish the differences between sample types. There are several very distinct materials, which must be differentiated between if you wish to avoid problems.


        Sample                               Approx. Color


    1   ORMEs                                [white]

    2   Partial ORMEs                        [from gray to white]

    3   Partial ORME compounds (salts)       [wide variations]

    4   ORME di-ozonides                     [*white]

    5   Partial ORME di-ozonides             [*varies, typ. gray-white]

    6   Partial ORME di-ozonide compounds    [wide variations]

* Presumed colors


Copper is an exception, its partial colorations also reflecting the natural copper-red, in lesser degrees of partiality (2 & 5).  The material Jim is collecting in his traps is 1, 2, and 3.  The other materials, made by Jim from metals, or from ozonating trap material or chemical compounds are 4, 5, and 6.


As you can see from the above table, the fact that Hudson remains unconvinced of the existence of partial ORMEs, as well as lacking familiarity with di-ozonides, is not particularly important from a color standpoint (criteria #1). But the presence of oxygen in the complex can alter the expected results, depending on the chemical processes (etc.) samples are subjected to. The reasons for this may perhaps help guide Jim toward fruitful directions of experimentation.


There are essentially two ways that an ORME-di-ozonide can lose its oxygens, to become a "normal" (ie de-ozonated) ORME.  The O6 can come off, just as it got on, by slipping off one end of the dumbbell or bars element.  It is like a girl slipping a continuous circular bracelet off her wrist.  But doing this exposes the funnels or bars on the exiture end of the ORME to powerful disrupting forces from the O6 molecule as it departs, and often causes Cooper pairs to be broken during the separation process.  This is its favored way of coming off in many chemical processes, in the absence of other factors.


The other means of losing the oxygens is for the O6 complex to open up, like a hinged bracelet, so they come off without passing over the end of the ORME within.  The O6 breaks apart and comes off in pieces, in either O3 or O2 molecules.  This is much less likely to disrupt any Cooper pairing that is present; the captive ORME will then most likely still continue to be an ORME, after it is freed from the oxygens that were girdling it.


In many of the operations Jim has used to remove the oxygens, "pinning" the ORME, as you are terming it, the transformation into a metallic or partially metallic state (low order partial ORME) is actually the result of the oxygens blowing apart the Cooper pairing as they slide off, going after carbon for example, rather than chemical destabilization of the ORME's paired valencing.  Once one end of a gold ORME's Cooper pairing is ruptured in this way, energy transients inside the atom often blow apart those funnel pairings on the other end as well, as the remaining valence circuits attempt to (often impossibly) assume a greater amount, or in some cases to maintain the entirety, of the atom's Meissner flux by themselves.  It appears that stages of Hudson's ORMEs analysis also causes this result.


Jim has noted that ozonated ORMEs seem to represent a metastable state, and this is why.  Some processes remove the oxygen in a way that breaks the Cooper pairing, ending in a metal.  Others remove the oxygen, in a manner so as to typically leave the ORME intact, which then, of course, shows itself very inert and recalcitrant to any further chemical manipulations, typical of ORMEs David Hudson has been working with.


There are some other factors which are important, and may be of help. You have learned that, because the di-ozone complex is highly dipolar, (as you have repeatedly observed first-hand with your various magnet experiments), it is susceptible to alignment and orientation by an external field.  By aligning the O6/ORMEs complex with a polarizing field perpendicular to an electric field, the oxygens may be broken off and removed, laterally. I suggest approaching this by applying the electric field in an aqueous electrolytic cell, with a perpendicular magnetic field.


Fully paired ORMEs do not react chemically, except as in the case of O6 and some other unusual constructs.  You may reasonably conclude that the ORMEs involved in Hudson's chemistries are partials.


Anyone duplicating Hudson's procedures may wish to do metrics to quantify, or keep track of, chlorine-in and chlorine-out (for example), to see how much is actually being bound to the ORMEs you are working with.  This is an indirect means of monitoring the partialities present.  Comparing the molar quantities of chlorine binding to the ORMEs, with the molar quantity of the gold present, will give you an idea of the number of partial valences engaging in binding reaction.  You may release and measure the chlorine from ORMEs chloride, and deduce from that how many active partial ORME valences are present.  That will only involve the partials engaging in binding, and would not tell anything about the amount of non-reacting higher order partials or 100% ORMEs which may also be present.  But measuring released reactants is valuable, if the ORMEs were made from metal in the first place, so the molar amount of gold, etc., present is known a priori.  Things may then be meaningfully deduced as to the relative number of non-reactive valences.


Wrapping an O6 around an ORME charges it just fine, in just about the twinkling of an eye.  I might go so far as to say it is the Ne Plus Ultra method for ORMEs formation; at least it is the key first step in the process.  It is getting the O6 off again without trashing everything that I have been gradually and gently leading your attentions towards.


Charging an ORMEs system is different than charging ORME atoms individually, but there are some similarities and carry over, when individually charged atoms are combined into contiguity.