Promoting ORMUS Lectures and Workshops
by Barry Carter

People who are interested in helping to set up some ORMUS presentations often ask for certain information. This page is a collection of this kind of information to help folks set up ORMUS presentations.

You can find an outline of my presentations below.

Some of the things that I cover in my presentations are mentioned in my recent articles. You can find some of my recent articles at the following links:

The last article appeared in Atlantis Rising magazine and is probably the best of the three articles.

An earlier version of the slide show that I use with my introductory lecture can be found at:

Some sample posters can be viewed at:

These posters can be modified to fit your situation.

It is often helpful to engage existing organizations who already have meeting places and other amenities. I have a list of such organizations for many areas if this might help.

Some existing organizations have newsletters that can be used to get people familiar with the concept of ORMUS. If you can get some articles on ORMUS into their newsletters this generally works better for engaging people than flyers or posters. I have written a series of three short articles for this type of newsletter. These articles can be found at:

Newsletter Articles

One of the most effective methods for interesting people in ORMUS is to show them pictures of the results of ORMUS use. I have compiled a bunch of these pictures into a picture book that you can print out on any color printer and then put into a ring binder to take with you when you visit folks who might be interested in learning more about ORMUS. I have found that putting the pictures in clear sheet protectors makes them last longer. You can download this picture book here:

Picture Book

I like to give a free or inexpensive lecture on the evening before my two day workshop. This lecture generally starts at 7pm and lasts till 9:30pm. If it is necessary to charge for this lecture to cover room expenses the charge is generally ten dollars or so.

My workshop consists of two seven hour presentations on two consecutive days (usually on a weekend). These generally start at 10am and last till 6pm with an hour break for lunch starting around 1pm. I generally ask for $100 per person for the workshop if it is in North America and 100 Euro per person in Europe. This amount can vary due to expenses for a given venue or situation. I like to make scholarships available for folks who cannot affort the full price.

I also ask for $500 up front for each venue in order to cover my transportation costs to the venue. This requirement can vary depending on the ease or difficulty of getting to a given venue.

Lecture Outline

ORMUS - What is it? - The Matrix of Consciousness:
In my introductory lecture I typically give an overview of ancient alchemical reference to the ORMUS substances and their effects, then explain how these substances might work to generate these effects. I also show some movies and slides which illustrate the effects. This includes the magnetic levitation movie and the movie of Tut the cat's new tail.

I also encourage folks to describe their ORMUS experiences in the middle of the introductory lecture and give a brief description of a few of the methods for extracting ORMUS.

Workshop Outlines - First Day

Jim's Story - And the story of my original encounter with ORMUS:
I start the Saturday workshop with the story of how I first learned about these materials while working with Jim. This includes audio recordings of Jim describing parts of his experience. It also includes a video of some of our work together. This presentation takes a couple of hours and takes us to lunch time.

Wet Method Demo:
After lunch I usually demonstrate the Wet Method on some sea water or Dead Sea salt. I try to do this early so that the precipitate will have time to settle before the end of the workshop.

Sea ORMUS - Uses for Wet Method Precipitate:
After the Wet Method demo I show pictures and a movie of plants that have been grown with ORMUS. This segment includes a review of the Wet Method, descriptions of some of the benefits of ORMUS for plants including photo comparisons of ORMUS plants to ordinary plants
and a movie of the giant walnuts on the Essene's tree.

Patterns of Motion - The Physics of ORMUS:
In this portion of the workshop I discuss the observations that Jim and I made and propose a theory to explain them. I discuss the nature of water and how thought might influence the actual structure of water. I also talk about how this may be the key to our connection with everything else.

This presentation includes a video on the effects of sound resonance on sand patterns, a video of a levitating frog and a sound recording of Jim describing one of his experiences with ORMUS levitation. I cover the effects of levitation, strange electrical discharges, Josephson tunnelling (teleportation) and other phenomena and place them into a context that makes them easy to understand.

Toward the end of the day we often have an open discussion of the day's material. If there are others who wish to make small presentations about related techniques or technologies I like to give them the floor for a bit to discuss how their information contributes to ORMUS knowledge. Also toward the end of the day I often do the first wash on the Wet Method precipitate from earlier.

Workshop - Second Day

Twin Serpents - Twin Coils in the Pyramid and Talmud:
On Sunday I generally start the day with this description of the double helix in ancient and modern times. In this slide show I show evidence for pyramid levitation and other anti-gravity phenomena as well as various electrical phenomena associated with ORMUS, the pyramids and the Ark of the Covenant. I show a video of a similar ORMUS related shocking experience and describe how the shocking water was developed. I also discuss how ORMUS relates to the body's magnetic field. Following this slide show we often have a period of discussion and a break for lunch.

Making the Tiny Trap - Building a Magnetic Vortex Trap to Extract ORMUS:
After lunch I have a slide show and demonstration about how to make a magnetic trap.

Ozone ORMUS - How we think it works:
This is an explanation about how ozone might work to convert metal to ORMUS. This theory is based on concepts from Occult Chemistry and includes lots of pictures and a short animated video at the end.

Conical Shewbread - ORMUS in Ancient Egypt and Israel:
Toward the end of the day I give a slide show on ORMUS in ancient Egypt and Israel. In this presentation I discuss some of the best evidence for ORMUS in ancient times.

In the last hour or so of the workshop I like to have everyone get into a circle and discuss strategies for working together to make ORMUS more available and useful to ourselves and others.

Here are some short descriptions of ORMUS that might be useful in an email mailing to your mailing list.

Example 1
The ORMUS elements are the precious metal elements in a natural non-metallic form. In this form they are much more common than they are in their metallic form. There is strong evidence that the ORMUS elements are nutritional minerals which are essential to all life.

Many modern agricultural and food processing techniques appear to reduce the ORMUS elements in our food. People tell stories of remarkable recoveries from a variety of diseases subsequent to eating the ORMUS elements in a more concentrated form.

These elements also exhibit strange properties. Sometimes they disappear, levitate or pass through solid objects. They seem to be related to the ancient alchemical materials. They have been linked to the Biblical manna, shewbread and King Solomon's gold. Ancient Hindu and Chinese texts mention similar materials with similar properties. Many people claim that the ORMUS elements have psychic or spiritual benefits.

The ORMUS elements have been extracted from the air, water and the ground. Their relative abundance makes them quite easy to extract and concentrate using relatively simple chemical and mechanical methods.

In his presentations, Barry Carter discusses all of the above concepts and more. He also demonstrates several simple methods for extracting the ORMUS elements from natural sources.

Example 2
It appears that there is a group of materials which have been invisible to modern science. We think that this group of materials has had many names in the past. Some of these names might be chi, prana, manna, soma, shewbread, shem-an-na, the Philosopher's Stone, the Elixir of Life and the fountain of youth.

We call these materials ORMUS. The ORMUS elements are generally the precious metal elements in a non-metallic and spectroscopically invisible form. You and I can see them but scientific instruments cannot. We suspect that part of the reason that the ORMUS materials are invisible to instrumental analysis is that they are not totally present in the physical world. It is like they have three legs with two of these legs in the physical world and one of these legs in the realm of spirit.

We suspect that the ORMUS elements provide the instantaneous communication medium that sustains life. When they are supplemented in the diet many people report great health benefits.

Barry Carter has dedicated his life to the exploration of ORMUS. He travels around the nation giving presentations on its historical context, biological implications, increasing scientific documentation, and practical engineering applications of these extraordinary elements. These presentations include hands-on workshops to involve people with their own experiences of ORMUS. Barry lives in Baker City, Oregon and moderates dozens of local and world-wide online forums on this subject.

Example 3
What is it?
ORMUS is a modern name for the family of materials that were sought by alchemists and sages throughout history to advance humanity's physical & spiritual well-being. In ancient times it was mentioned in Chinese, Hindu, Hebrew and Egyptian alchemical texts as the Elixir of Life, Chi, Biblical Manna, Prana, the Philosophers Stone, Shewbread, & King Solomon’s gold. Modern scientists have called it ORMUS, ORMEs, monatomic and m-state. David Hudson rediscovered this "new" state of matter. The ORMUS elements exhibit unusual physical properties like sudden appearance and disappearance, levitation and the movement of ORMUS atoms through other physical objects. Abundantly present in all life forms, its resonant properties are integral to the function of the earth and all its inhabitants. It is present in the food we eat, the water we drink & the air we breathe.

Barry Carter has dedicated his life to the exploration of ORMUS. He travels around the nation giving presentations on its historical context, biological implications, increasing scientific documentation, and practical engineering applications of these extraordinary elements. These presentations include hands-on workshops to involve people with their own experiences of ORMUS. Barry lives in Baker City, Oregon and moderates dozens of local and world-wide online forums on this subject.

In a mass mailing any one of these example descriptions would include the following kinds of location, time and contact information:

Barry will be offering the following presentations:

At Juanita Aughtry's Water and Health Center, 1228 Gordon St., Charlotte, NC 28205
Lecture:    Wednesday Nov. 20, 7:00 - 9:00, $10 donation
For more information call: 704-334-3290

At Seven Springs Center, #770 Shelton Cove Rd., Waynesville, NC 28786
Lecture:     Thursday, Nov. 21, 7:00 - 9:00, $10 donation
Workshop:    Saturday, Nov. 23, 10:00 -  5:00, $45
For more information on these presentations call Mary at: 828-926-1511 or 800-714-1397 or call ParamDevi at 828-235-1397. Directions to the Seven Springs Center can be found at:

Mr. Carter also moderates dozens of local and worldwide on-line forums on this subject.

You can read more about the ORMUS materials on the ORMUS web site, which is linked below:

You can also find a recent illustrated article that Barry Carter wrote about ORMUS at:

Barry can be emailed at .

Helpful Items
When I travel by air I typically need the following items for my lecture and workshop:

1.  Large screen (24" or larger) television set with video input or a projection screen. I generally bring a video projector.
2.  One or two 2' by 5' tables (or larger) for display and as a worktable.
3.  A high stool or chair for me to sit on.
4.  A couple ounces of lye (also known as caustic soda and sodium hydroxide).
5.  A one gallon (3 or 4 liter) wide mouth glass jar (like a pickle jar).
6.  A table near the entry door for sign up.
7.  A tripod to use for a video camera.
8.  A public address system or boom box.
9.  Someone to help me setup and someone to take care of sign up at the door.

I often bring some of the items above if I drive to the presentations but rarely if I fly in.

The following items are helpful but not necessary:

1. pH meter.
2. Sea salt or ocean water (I generally bring Masada Dead Sea salt).
3. Video recording equipment.
4. Someone to run the video camera(s).
5. Parts for additional Tiny Traps.
6. VCR to record my slide shows as they appear on the TV set.
7. Potluck lunch or buffet for the days of the workshop.
8. A water trap and place to demonstrate it.

Sharon Rose has helped set up and promite several of my presentations. Following is an article that she wrote about this process.

Promoting Presentations
By Sharon Rose

In most areas that I am familiar with I have found local publications that readily accept stories-of-interest. Depending upon the publication, the story can be more scientific, alchemical, or spiritual. Unless you have particular writing skills, I would encourage you to utilize the vast information on the subtleenergies site and weave some main points together. I am a decent writer and would be happy to help you with this.

Getting a story published is the best way to reach a lot of people for no cost. The more publications you can identify as small-businesses, the better will be your chances at getting something included in a timely manner. For large publications you can try to submit a story, but they are sometimes less likely to accept it and it is more difficult to know when they will run it. Ideally, getting more than one story published within 1-2 months of Barry's scheduled arrival would be enough to generate some interest.

If you have enough funds you can get presentation information into local event calendars, though many are free. It is helpful to be able to refer the reader of your story to the calendar of events section of the publication. If you don't have the funds, or the publications don't have event calendars, your by-line must include some information like your name, phone, email, lecture dates, and 'for more information check out

Along these lines, think of the networking/support groups you belong to or know of. If any have a newsletter ask if you can submit an article and find out how many words you have to work with. Some newsletters sell ads for $10-15. Paying for an ad on an esoteric topic is like making a donation to the publication unless you have an article published.

Libraries are good places to post information. They will allow anything as long as it is free to the public. You can also schedule a short FREE presentation at libraries to use as your "loss leader". These can be scheduled for Thursday and/or Friday evening and last no more than 1 hour. This is where Barry gives the feel-good information, as well as his personal story of how he got involved.

If Barry has a promotional video available you could show the video instead, as well as showing it to networking/support groups. If you don't have a video, and you aren't too shy, many group functions will allow you to make a short announcement.

Another thought about video promotions - I don't know all the ins & outs of local access stations, but they often air a video sent to them if it meets certain criteria. This is an area of promotions that might be useful one day, but it is probably a moot issue now. In case there IS a video, I believe that when we send a video to a local access station that we can request it be aired within a certain month. Then the local access station will let you know (by request) what days/times they will air it, and this information can be included in promotional material.

When doing flyers, hand-to-hand contact is the most successful way to get people interested. They will want to talk with you about it. Sign them up for one of the presentations if you can, or take their name and email/phone number so you can get more information to them.

Colorful flyers are a must for posting. Informational flyers (directions and details) can be dull, but I prefer to keep things colorful and interesting. You can post flyers at some grocery stores, bookstores, new age stores, co-ops, health food stores. Start hunting for them everywhere you go.

Email is another way to reach a lot of people expediently. Begin collecting email addresses of everyone you know. I once went through a local New Age magazine and sent an email to every business who had an email address listed in their ad. These people are often curious and are more likely to respond. Be aware that this may be considered by some to be 'unsolicited' email, but that seems unlikely to me since these email addresses are placed in their ads for people to respond to.

For your friends and associates: send them as many as three emails. The first one just mentioning ORMUS, and how excited you are in finding something with so many benefits that is virtually free to everyone. Then let them know you will be sending them more information later.

In the second email tell them about the article that will be coming out in such-and-such magazine, or the subtleenergies website, and how Barry has agreed to come out personally to show people how to harness the wonderful healing properties which are freely available in nature, and that you hope the timing is good for them because you doubt he will be making this trip again anytime soon.

The third email is a reminder (about 7-10 days prior), sending them directions and itinerary, and asking them to contact you if they need a ride or have questions. Anyone who writes or calls you goes on your personal contact list and you will want to contact these people in the last week by phone (even if their original contact to you was by email, get their phone number and talk with them just before the event). The more they feel they have made a commitment, the more likely they are to show up.

Remember though, there is a delicate balance between being perceived as a salesperson and a caring person. If you don't get those two positions confused inside your mind, you are less likely to convey pushiness to others. Don't get discouraged when people misunderstand what you are telling them. Only people who are able to think outside of the box will get this. For those people who get it, ask them if they know anyone who they think might be interested. You can offer to call them because the person you have just told will likely be unable to answer their friend's questions.

Doing all this is a lot of work and one person is only going to be able to do so much. Try to recruit others to help with a few small tasks. Many hands make light work. There may be other related groups that you can coordinate with.