Universal Placebo Effect

by Barry Carter

Created: August 1, 2009

Modified: April 28, 2011

One of the things I like most about ORMUS is that it looks like the best opportunity to provide scientific evidence that the universe is a placebo effect. In other words, I suspect that ORMUS is a substance which acts as a conduit for the manifestation of our thoughts into reality.

There is an emerging scientific consensus that "solid matter" is really energy and this energy "emerges" into the physical universe from "somewhere else". You can learn more about this new hypothesis about the nature of things by searching for "zero point" or "seething vacuum". Here is an example of a scientific link you might find, with this kind of search:


Nothing: A Very Short Introduction

Frank Close


This short, smart book tells you everything you need to know about "nothing." What remains when you take all the matter away? Can empty space--"nothing"--exist? To answer these questions, eminent scientist Frank Close takes us on a lively and accessible journey that ranges from ancient ideas and cultural superstitions to the frontiers of current research, illuminating the story of how scientists have explored the void and the rich discoveries they have made there. Readers will find an enlightening history of the vacuum: how the efforts to make a better vacuum led to the discovery of the electron; the ideas of Newton, Mach, and Einstein on the nature of space and time; the mysterious aether and how Einstein did away with it; and the latest ideas that the vacuum is filled with the Higgs field. The story ranges from the absolute zero of temperature and the seething vacuum of virtual particles and anti-particles that fills space, to the extreme heat and energy of the early universe.


* This Very Short Introduction tells you everything about 'nothing' - it is the story of how scientists have been puzzled by the physical problem of what remains when you take all the matter away.

* A lively and stimulating guide, taking the reader from ancient ideas and cultural superstitions about the void, via the theories of Newton and Einstein, to the frontiers of current research in today's powerful particle accelerators

* Reveals how the vacuum is far from being empty - that in fact it seethes with particles that spontaneously erupt into being - and how this provides fascinating clues about how the universe began, and what was there before

* Tells the tale of the mysterious 'aether' that was long ago supposed to permeate the void - how Einstein did away with it, and how the latest research into the 'Higgs field' may mean it is making a comeback

* Asks fascinating questions such as: Would nothing exist if there was no one to observe it? Where did everything come from? What lies outside the universe, and what is it expanding into?

* Part of the bestselling Very Short Introductions series - over two million copies sold worldwide

Product Details

144 pages; 20 B&W halftones; ISBN13: 978-0-19-922586-6ISBN10: 0-19-922586-9

About the Author(s)

Frank Close, OBE , is Professor of Physics at Oxford University and a Fellow of Exeter College and was formerly vice president of the British Association for Advancement of Science.

One question that is not being asked and answered is, "where does the energy that feeds the 'seething vacuum' come from?"

Other physicists claim that there is a "quantum coherent" communication system that underlies all physical systems. You can find a number of scientific references for this hypothesis at:


The question that is not typically being asked about this communication system is, "is the infinite, instant communication system itself conscious?"

A third "new" hypothesis is called the "many worlds" theory. This hypothesis was expounded by Hugh Everett III and others. You can find a description of this hypothesis at:


Basically, this hypothesis says that there are infinite universes, like our own, which split off from each other whenever something is observed. This begs the question, "is this universe splitting the basis of all new creation?"

So, we have three hypotheses that have been proposed and supported by a variety of scientists:

1. Matter and energy "emerge" into physical reality from "somewhere else".

2. There is a quantum coherent (nonlocal) communication system that connects all things.

3. Infinite universes split off from each decision.

If we put these three hypotheses into a magnetic blender and put a coherent spin on them, we might conclude that all of these things are connected by the plenum of spirit or infinite consciousness.

If there was an actual physical substance which demonstrated evidence in support of some or all of these new hypotheses in a scientifically replicable way then we might be well on the way toward demonstrating that all that is, is a product of consciousness. In other words, that the universe is a placebo effect.

So far, we are in the very early stages of scientific ORMUS research. There have been a few scientific plant and animal studies but most have not been replicated. There have been reports of EEG measured brain coherence increases but this has only been confirmed by one small double blind study. Mostly we have anecdotal reports.

We have an anecdotal report of "emergent" energy (with pictures) at:


We have many reports and video evidence of "Spark of Life Water" recharging itself but this is still anecdotal. See more about Spark of Life Water at:


I have a video of 29 people holding hands in a circle all being shocked three times in a row by one bottle of this water but this was not a controlled, double blind experiment.

Several people have reported an unexpected increase in volume and weight of certain ORMUS products while they were kept in sealed containers but these are only anecdotal reports.

If these effects were duplicated in a scientific manner, this would add some support to the first of the hypotheses described above.

There has also been some claimed evidence in support of the second hypothesis above. The brain coherence experiments might give this hypothesis some support:


More support for this hypothesis might be found in replication of the experiment reported at:


also see:


If the ORMUS minerals can be demonstrated to work as a quantum coherent communication system, this would provide scientific confirmation of a nonlocal communication system that connects all things.

The third hypothesis might be a bit more difficult to support using ORMUS but I think it might be done. ORMUS researchers from the ancient alchemists to modern researchers have often reported that you get different results when you have different expectations while working with the ORMUS minerals. I can imagine an experiment where two groups of people set about doing some subtle ORMUS chemical procedure. One group would be selected for skepticism and the other group would be selected for belief. If the skeptical group consistently got negative results and the belief group consistently got positive results this might be considered evidence supporting the "many worlds theory".

It might also help explain why homeopathic remedies do not always work.

Another interesting thing to consider is the concept of "structured water". This hypothesis proposes that water can be "structured" by exposure to various things like shape, homeopathy, frequency, color and even by thought. Masaru Emoto has proposed that thought can change the structure of water resulting in more "attractive" ice crystal shapes. Here is a bit I wrote about this in an earlier post to this list:

Recently research has been published by Dr. Dean Radin which supports Masaru Emoto's claim that thought can also effect the structure of matter. You can read the summary of this paper at:


You can find an image reproduction of this paper linked at:


and a video of Dr. Dean Radin describing his experiments at:


It has been postulated that the structure of water effects the crystalline structure of ice but water "structure" effects have not been very well documented scientifically by most of the folks who claim to have products which structure water. One exception is David Schneider, who sells the Stir Wands. David has paid for quite a bit of scientific research into the water structuring effects of his product, as you can see at:


Note that the effects, that David Schneider has paid for scientific confirmation of, are brought about by stirring water with a plastic wand filled with various rock-source, rare earth elements. This triggers the question: "is the ORMUS component in the Stir Wand transferring information into the ORMUS component of the water and therefore triggering a change in the structure of the water as I have speculated at:


http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/shape.htm ?"

Is ORMUS a part of the system which brings in the energy and matter which increases the weight of the entire sealed container that plants are grown in? Is it part of the communication system that changes the structure of water in response to the thoughts of all living things? Is it a major component in the manifestation of our thoughts, be they of what is wanted or what is not wanted?


Might evidence of the validity of the "many worlds theory" give all of us "external" scientific evidence of the universal placebo effect that we each can create our own reality because the thing about infinity is; there sure is a lot of it? Is there enough infinity that everyone can have at least one?

Might ORMUS help us achieve a better connection to (and scientific understanding of) the Source of all energy, matter, information and possibility? Might we achieve a better understanding of the meaning of:

It is in Him we live and breathe and have our being. Acts 17:28 ?