Clathrate Hypothesis

by Barry Carter


The clathrate hypothesis can be traced back to when David Hudson suggested it in his 1994-1995 lectures. In his Portland 1995 Workshop he said:


This little zero point frequency I showed you between the positron and the electron; if you follow that right up the electromagnetic spectrum, it agrees with the molecular frequency of hydrogen dioxide, or water.  So there is an affinity for this material and water.  That's why it is normally taken in water.  When you come to understand that your body is, in fact, mainly water.  That, literally, this material when you distill water it distills with the water as the oridide, the iridide, the ruthidide.  Just like chlorine.  And so if you distill water thinking you are getting high purity water, it goes with the water.  And it literally changes the bond angles of the water.  That one iridium atom controls 56 waters of hydration around itself.  And all the bond angles of all 56 waters are altered when iridium is present.  I haven't carefully studied the research work of people working with water but I strongly suspect that their water isn't completely pure and they are finding that the bond angles can be changed.  There is something else besides H2O in the water."


and in his Dallas 1995 Workshop:


I know that iridium can control the vibrational frequency of 56 molecules of water. But I don't think it goes much further than that, and so I don't think that it is like mostly homeopathic preparations where you can dilute, dilute, dilute, dilute and get stronger and stronger and stronger. Ah, the interesting thing is though that when you distill water, you assume you have purified water, the oroides, the iridides, the rhodides act more like iodide than they do like metals and they actually will distill along with the water. And so what you think is high purity, what you're observing and studying as water may in fact not be pure water.



Almost a decade ago, in October of 1999, I posted the following paragraph to the ORMUS SWG forum:


I imagine that these elements are like greased bowling balls that you want to move around. While you cannot pick them up directly you can roll them into a box and pick up the box. They seem to "like" tight spaces. Might certain biological systems use their properties by capturing them in ring or box molecules?



In September of 2000 I sent the following post to the ORMUS SWG list:


David Hudson gives us a clue about how the ORMUS interactions are different from ordinary chemical reactions in the following passage from his 1995 Dallas presentation:


"So we finally order from Johnson Matthey, pure standard materials of rhodium and iridium, platinum, palladium, ruthenium and osmium and we learn how to make them disappear.  We could take pure rhodium chloride and analyze it to be pure rhodium, and through a process of repeated evaporation with salt, we could make the rhodium disappear from the instrumental analyzes.  It still is a blood red chloride, you still can perform all the chemistry, it still was in solution but it didn't analyze to contain any rhodium.  And this was pure rhodium standard."


This "repeated evaporation with salt" is a common theme in alchemy. Many alchemical processes require that a set of steps be repeated hundreds of times in order to get certain results. I think that the reason for this is that valence bonds are solid and quick but other bonds are less sure.


Imagine, if you will, that you wish to collect all the male dogs in a community. You could hunt them all down and put each of them on a leash but it may be faster to use a little trick. Find a female dog in heat, put her on a leash and pull her through town. The male dogs will follow even though there is no valence leash holding them. It may take several trips through the town to get every dog's attention but each trip through town would collect a few more dogs.


Gary postulated that the ORMUS elements can have different levels of Cooper pairing. While fully Cooper paired ORMEs would not have any valence electrons available for chemical interaction, partially paired ORMEs would still have some electrons available. Gary proposed that these partial ORMEs could be used to bring the fully paired ORMEs along through certain chemical processes like in the analogy of the dogs.


The weakness of this interaction and the necessity for repeating it over and over would be congruent with the way that alchemists have traditionally done this work. It would also be congruent with similar reports by Hudson and other modern ORMUS researchers. Jim's ozone method requires repeated ozonation in conjunction with repeated pH swings over a period of a week or so.


It appears that there are several other ways to concentrate the ORMUS elements. Magnetic concentration would not depend on valence bonding. Another method might be to put them into a box and manipulate the box.


Imagine an undrilled bowling ball covered with grease. You want to pick it up but it keeps slipping out of your grasp. The best way to move it might be to roll it into a cardboard box and pick up the box.


I think that some of the chemical methods might use this technique. Gary suggested that O6 forms a ring around the ORMUS elements and pulls them from the metal matrix in this way. Jerel suggested that Cl6 might do the same thing. The sodium hydroxide in the Wet Method might also do something like this by forming a three or six atom sodium ring around the ORMUS diatom. Buckyballs and Fullerines might be good candidates for effective boxes to do this, as well. Here is an excerpt from a post on this subject from a colleague on another list:


Fullerene structure library:




Geometry of Fullerenes: (good graphic)




Russian(?) websiste:



"What such are fullerenes. Fullerene is recently discovered natural form of carbon existing alongside already well-known graphite and diamond. Fullerene represent cluster hollow inside, closed surface of which is derived by regular atom polyhedrons. The special place among fullerenes is taken by a cluster of sixty carbon atoms - C60 reminding a microscopic football ball. It's diameter is 7 angstroms and it's surface is also derived from pentagons and hexagons.


"Fullerenes in the world science. The research of fullerenes, as independent scientific direction, has come rather fast and easily into the number of national scientific priorities of leading world countries. So, for example, this direction appears in the report of the USA president Bill Clinton and vice-president Albert Gor "Science in the National interests" (Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy, 1994). It can be explained by the fundamental significance of the science about the atomic clusters - natural objects taking the boundary position  between solitary atoms and solids. The special place of fullerenes and other carbon clusters is determined by the fact that carbon is a basic element of each alive substance structure. The last five years discovery of the surprising variety of carbon forms (fullerenes, huperfullerenes, nanotuben etc.) forces to look in a new fashion  and sometimes even to reconsider presentations of fundamental processes happened by the active carbon participation in alive and lifeless nature. At the same time the experience of world science convincingly notifies, that the fundamental properties of a new class of objects usually open completely unexpected possibilities for their practical application. Such combination of fundamental interest and the creation perspective of basically new technologies has occurred the unremitting interest to researches in the sphere of fullerenes and atomic clusters."


Fullerenes & nanotubes:




Of particular note is the nanotube structure which corresponds to the

microtubules in cells.


In Tony Smith's article, which Neil posted a link to the other day, Tony wrote:


"According to Keith Johnson, in physics/9807058, clusters of water molecules

exist optimally in certain Magic Numbers and in configurations such as

Buckyball pentagonal dodecahedral structures with a closed, ideally icosahedral

symmetry formed by 20 hydrogen-bonded water molecules, with their oxygen atoms

at the vertices of 12 concatenated pentagons and with 10 free exterior hydrogen

atoms. Coupling of these delocalized oxygen orbitals with the low-frequency

cluster vibronic modes via the dynamical Jahn-Teller effect may make water

buckyballs catalytic electron reservoirs and oxygenates in fuel combustion and

active agents in biological systems. The broad electronic and unique

low-frequency vibronic spectra of water buckyballs may explain certain diffuse

interstellar bands (DIBs) and far-infrared, ultraviolet and x-ray cosmic

background radiation.


When metals such as Palladium, that can absorb large volumes of Hydrogen, are

placed in water, phenomena related to Cold Fusion can occur. Interesting

phenomena, perhaps related to FAR FIELD Transverse Virtual Gravitons, may also

occur when atoms, or Clusters of Atoms, of metals such as Palladium are in

aqueous solution."


It looks like water may also provide an ideal "box" to contain the ORMUS

elements without valence bonding. (Note that Tony provides several links to

ORMUS web sites in the passage above.)


In June of 2001 I wrote the following speculative post to the WhiteGold list:


We really don't know a great deal about the chemistry and physics of the ORMUS

elements. For example we don't really know whether they are monatomic or

diatomic. Some chemists say they are monatomic but some physicists say they

must be diatomic.


David Hudson and other researchers report that the m-state gold and iridium

powder, when it is fully dry, does not dissolve in strong acid. This is a fact.

Any theory about these materials must take this fact into account. Science

changes theories to fit the facts. Governments and similar structures change

the facts to fit the theory.


Nutrients must be in solution if the body is going to use them. Liquids pass

through the walls of the intestines but solids do not. The white powder is

clearly a solid. If it does not dissolve in acid in the stomach it will not

easily be absorbed by the small intestine.


There is a fundamental contradiction in the concept of m-state chemistry.

According to the most reasonable ORMUS theory, the electrons in the ORMUS

diatoms are Cooper paired and no longer function as electrons. This means that

they are not available for chemical bonding and would imply that one simply

cannot do chemistry with these elements in the m-state.


But, Hudson and others are clearly doing chemistry involving these m-elements.

In order to reconcile this seeming contradiction the theory is being modified

to presume that the ORMUS elements are not being manipulated directly but

rather that they are being put in boxes which can be modified.


Imagine a grease covered bowling ball without any holes to hang onto it with.

This would be a very difficult thing to pick up with one hand. But if you were

to roll it into a box, you could then pick up the box with one hand.


I suspect that the full ORMUS elements are not directly visible as the white

powder. Rather, I suspect that what is visible is the box that they are in.

This would explain the precipitate forms and the oil forms which have been



Research that a close colleague has conducted suggests that the ORMUS elements

"like" tight spaces. I think that tight spaces are more "comfortable" to them

than open spaces because there is some shielding effect from magnetic fields in

tight spaces.


New discoveries about water suggest that water molecules have a dodecahedral or

icosahedral shape. You can think of these shapes as being like the shape of

geodesic domes. These ball shaped molecules would have a nice comfy inner space

for ORMUS diatoms to hang out. You can read a bit more about these discoveries

regarding water at:


Water is present in the soil, in the air and even is quite abundant in

interstellar space.


Of course, this does not explain how the m-state elements can appear as a

room-temperature solid. We generally do not think of water ice as being stable

at room-temperature however scientists have recently discovered that there are

some water ice formations which are stable at room-temperature. I believe that

this form of water ice is water which is structured by the presence of coherent

ORMUS elements inside the water molecules. You can see a couple pictures of

some of this room-temperature ice at:


I understand that these flakes analyze as water using spectroscopy.


I suspect that some m-state solids fall into the water-ice category. I also

suspect that other m-state products, like the precipitate from the Wet Method,

may be hanging out inside ball shaped water molecules which are chemically

bonded to other elements. They might also be hanging out in ball shaped

molecules which are not water. Some of these other ball shaped molecules are

very stable and quite difficult to put back into solution if ever they are

brought out of solution.


All of the above, except the observations, is theoretical speculation, which

will be revised as new observations are made.



In March of 2002 the first use of the word "clathrate" occurred in a post by Astrophan:


Hello group. I have been pondering the relationship of

Ormus to water structure which--like so many other

aspects of Ormus--seems to be a bit elusive. On the Ormus

web site Gary says that ORMEs are somewhat hydrophilic. 

It seems to me that whereas this is probably true for

partial ORMEs (as Gary defines them), it's not likely to

be true for the completely electron-paired ORMEs.

Wouldn't the "full" ORMEs in water act hydrophobic, like

a clathrate-forming noble gas, and force the neighboring

water molecules to link up into hydrogen-bonded



The picture here would be similar to the formation of

low-density vicinal water surrounding a hydrophobc

surface, or better yet to Pauling's model of the xenon

clathrate hydrate. (Think of xenon sitting inside a

fullerene-like water cage.) Since Pauling's model was

the basis for explaining neural anesthesia induced by

xenon, it makes me wonder if some of the reported pain-

relieving effects of Ormus are due to a similar



If the "full" ORMEs are hydrophobic, they should also be

able to slip easily across cell membranes and the blood-

brain barrier in particular.


Although Gary said that ORMEs are somewhat hydrophilic,

Barry reports (on the "Observed Properties" page, see

that magnetic trap water appears to be hydrophobic. As

Barry has previously noted, the relationship between m-

state and Hudson's (or Gary's) ORMEs is not clear. The

the properties of trap water appear to differ from those

of ORMEs in solution.


Has anyone ever tried to determine something like a

partition coefficient for trap water? One of the

problems in determining an Ormus partition coefficent is

that it's necessary to detect and quantify the amount of

Ormus in each of the two phases into which it

partitions. Ormus detection in general sems to be a

challenge from what I've read. Nevertheless, it would be

a fascinating experiment to perform.


I'm also intrigued by the suggestions on the "Observed

Properties" page that m-state water is viscous, low

density, and seemingly fond of tight spaces. Barry

attributes the low density of m-state water to a

magnetic levitation effect in the presence of the

Earth's magnetic field, but to me it suggests instead

the formation of low density "vicinal" water surrounding

a hydrophobic ORME. Also, the properties of viscosity

and fondness for tight spaces bring to mind the

polywater affair of 30 years ago in which a new, more

viscous phase of water was thought to have been

generated inside narrow-diameter capillary tubes.

Ultimately the discovery was discredited and "explained"

in terms of silicates leaching from the glass into the

water, but I think this phenomenon needs to be

reexamined as possibly arising from Ormus accumulation.

(If this is the case, it suggests yet another avenue for

making Ormus, although perhaps not a very efficient one

since the yields are likely to be small.)




In October of 2002 I first posted the article on this subject at:


to the ORMUS SWG list.


In October of 2006 I posted the following to the ORMUS SWG list:


This is a fine representation of a linear resonance pattern. The

pattern illustration I use in my lectures is the planar pattern that

I have uploaded to:


Now imagine this resonance in three dimensions all around the central

ORMUS resonator. You might get a "spherical" pattern that looks

something like the icosahedral water structure illustrated halfway

down the page at:


Note that the icosahedral molecule structure has a nice quiet inner

space in the center. Jim's trap designs incorporated these quiet

inner space features because he noticed that the ORMUS gas he

generated, when converting metallic rhodium, iridium and gold into an

ORMUS rich liquid, would "find" tight places to "hide out" between

the layers in a roll of plastic film. Jim's microscope slide

"exposure meter" was based on this observation as well.


The ratio between the size of the whole gold atom and the gold

nucleus is about the same as the ratio between twice the orbit of

Pluto and the diameter of the sun. This size difference would allow a

lot of leeway for shrinkage if the valence electrons that "reach out"

for valence bonding with other gold atoms are all brought in toward

the nucleus. Having all of the gold electrons paired up internally

would not just reduce the size of the gold unit but would also move

it into a much faster spin. This would be like an ice dancer bringing

her arms in after swinging them to initiate a pirouette. The act of

bringing her arms in, while spinning slowly, speeds her spin into a blur.


The much smaller ORMUS gold unit would fit easily into the center of

the icosahedral water molecule and quantum coherent spin speed

modulation would generate spin field energy density nodes around the

ORMUS gold unit. The hydrogen and oxygen atom components of the water

molecule would align with or "drop into" this standing wave field

around the ORMUS gold unit. This would effectively magnify the spin

resonance changes of the ORMUS gold and imprint these changes on the

much larger water molecule surrounding the ORMUS gold unit. In

effect, this would impart to the water molecule some of the quantum

coherent properties of the ORMUS hanging out inside.


It is interesting to note, here, that triple distilled water, which

assays as pure H2O weighs significantly more than water which has

been made by burning hydrogen in oxygen. The made up water is also

quite toxic while the triple distilled water is less so. This extra

weight might be the weight of the ORMUS hanging inside the water

molecules of the triple distilled water.


David Hudson postulated several differences between the ORMUS

elements and their metallic counterparts. I think we should examine a

few of these postulates in this context. He postulated that they were

in a superdeformed, high-spin state and he postulated that all of

their valence electrons were internally "paired" and "orbitally rearranged".


In the scientific papers describing superdeformation, which Hudson

cites in his lectures, the authors explain that a superdeformed

nucleus is deformed by a rapid spin around its short axis. This rapid

spin and resulting centrifugal deformation is generally triggered by

the glancing "impact" of another particle.


These superdeformed, high-spin nuclei are interesting to physicists

because they easily and spontaneously fission into two separate

nuclei of elements lower on the periodic chart. To visualize this

imagine a slightly elongated water droplet on the center of a

turntable. As you speed up the spin of the turntable this water

droplet elongates and eventually splits into two separate smaller

drops of water which are flung apart and off the turntable. Thus

these superdeformed, high-spin nuclei are very unstable and unlikely

to endure for any length of time.


I think that Hudson is wrong in postulating that the ORMUS elements

fit into the category of superdeformed, high-spin atoms. From their

apparent relative abundance on the earth it looks like they are more

stable than their metallic counterparts.


If Hudson is right in saying that his mine yielded 2400 ounces per

ton of the platinum group elements in their ORMUS form while the

yield of the richest metal deposit of these elements is one third of

an ounce per ton then the ORMUS form would be at least 7200 times

more common than the metallic form.


Multiply this apparent abundance from the first site examined by

Hudson by a factor which does not assume that Hudson found the

richest ORMUS deposit in the world on his first try. Multiply it also

by the abundance of ORMUS in the atmosphere, in sea water and in

fresh water and it is easy to see that the ORMUS transition elements

might be very much more than 7200 times as abundant as their metallic



Even if we accept Daniel's contention that ORMUS is only present in

the places and forms specified by David Hudson, we still have a

material that is much more abundant that the metallic form.


So, though they are not spinning around their short axis in a

"high-spin state" they might still be in a "high-spin state" by

spinning around their long axis; like the ice dancer. But how does

this ice dancer bring her arms in to increase her rate of spin?


The conventional orbital theory of chemistry is that the electron

orbitals fill around the nucleus as the atomic number of the atom

increases. The electrons in the filled orbitals, according to this

model, are no longer available for valence bonding. (This model

continues to have practical value in chemistry but is no longer

considered to be conceptually accurate by many physicists.)


In the electron orbital model, the filled orbitals always consist of

an even number of electrons. The orbital populations for gold are 2 8

18 32 18 1. Notice that the filled orbitals all have an even number

of electrons and the outermost orbital has one electron which is

available for valence bonding.


Hudson claims that the available valence electron in the outermost

orbital somehow pairs up with an electron in one of the inner circles

and becomes "orbitally rearranged". This hypothesis does not explain

why one of these exclusive inner circle clubs will suddenly change

its rules to allow an unaccompanied fellow to join and pair up with

someone else's partner.




Gary postulated that it would be be possible for all the electrons in

a gold to pair up if two gold atoms with 79 electrons each joined

forces to become a new element with 158 electrons.




Gary suggested that this would work because:


"For diatoms, the number of valences will obviously always be even,

i.e. divisible by 2, and so Cooper pairing is freed from the

objection that atoms with uneven numbers of electrons could not be

completely Cooper paired. The valence funnels "rotate" (as a

consequence of the motion of the particles forming them) in

alternating senses, as viewed in a sequence going around the atom

(e.g. a gold dumbbell - See below). It should be clear that two

adjacent funnels, one rotating clockwise, and one counter-clockwise,

will coincide in rotation if the funnels are distorted into a loop so

that the mouths join. They then form a continuous rotating tubular

vortex. This is the physical action corresponding to two electron

spins joining and canceling to form a Cooper pair. A similar effect

occurs in metal lattices at cryogenic temperatures, except that

funnels join between neighboring atoms, rather than on the same atom

for an ORME."


(I realize that Gary's and David Hudson's use of the term "Cooper

pair" for electrons inside an atom was not specifically sanctioned in

the BCS theory about Cooper pairing between atoms in a type one or

type two superconductor.)


As the valence funnel arms are brought in to join, in Gary's model,

the ORMUS unit would spin faster like the ice dancer when she brings

her arms in. In fact, the description of the gold atom from Occult

Chemistry indicates that there are twelve valence funnel arms at the

top of the atom and twelve more valence funnel arms on the bottom.

These arrays of valence funnel arms look a bit like a ceiling fan on

each end of a fat cigar. See the drawing at:


A gold atom could also have all of its electrons paired if it fused

with a hydrogen atom and gained an extra proton and electron. That

this might be what is happening with ORMUS gold is supported by

Hudson's claim that you can drop ORMUS mercury to gold metal by

heating it the air. Here is a passage about this from Hudson's first

Dallas lecture:


"It's interesting to note that the philosophical text . . . over in

the Ayurvedic text, I was sent a copy by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

who knows of this work, and he had it translated into English and

sent it over to me. These are about 2,000 B.C. that this information

comes from supposedly, and it says you can take mercury and divide

mercury, and divide mercury and divide mercury, until you divide it

into it's essence and you actually get a white powder of mercury. And

the way you test that mercury to see if it's ready for ingestion, is

you heat it in air and if it turns to gold, then it's ready for

ingestion. And they knew this 2000 B.C. Did you know that

superdeformed mercury, when all of its electrons are paired in the

high-spin state, if you heat it in air in 78% Nitrogen, in air, that

when you get up to around red heat, that the outside electron pair

will annihilate with itself. It actually will withdraw it's screening

potential enough that outer pair annihilates, and that electron pair

doesn't produce 510,000 electron-volt photons like electron

annihilation normally does, it produces a 1 million electron-volt

photon that is always absorbed by the binding nucleus.


So here your mercury atom now has a 1 million volt photon that comes

flying into the nucleus, in the binding nucleus of the mercury, and

that's the energy it takes in a high-spin state to knock off a proton

and several neutrons. Coincidentally. Now you have a low spin gold,

and it goes right immediately to low spin gold. Now low spin gold, if

there's other gold atoms near it will aggregate as a metallic

material, and once you got diatomic gold, you got it, you're on your

way home now, you got metal. So you could actually take mercury to

the high-spin state and the way you check it is heat it in air, and

if it goes to gold then don't heat the rest of it, consume it, it's a

medicine. And that's something that miners and metallurgists have a

real hard time with, they say, "Why don't they want the beautiful

yellow valuable metal?" Because the white powder is more valuable, that's why."


In the statement above Hudson is postulating low energy nuclear

fission. I don't think it is unreasonable to postulate that there

might be a complementary low energy way to fuse gold and hydrogen

into a single unit of ORMUS mercury.


Notice, as well, that Hudson states that the low spin state is not

metal but can easily become metal if there are other low spin state

atoms nearby to form metal bonds with.


Gary's theory allows us to speculate that the spin of the gold diatom

might speed up or slow down in increments depending on how many of

the valence funnels are coupled together at their wide ends. This

would be analogous to an ice dancer with twelve arms incrementally

increasing her rate of spin by bringing opposite arms overhead two by two.


These incremental spin speed changes, if they occurred inside an

icosahedral water molecule, might change the resonance nodes of the

icosahedral structure to a dodecahedral structure or a more compact

icosahedral structure. This would be analogous to the way the

Cymatics video, I linked above, showed that an incremental change in

sound frequency changed the basic structure of the resonance pattern

of the sand.


Since these ORMUS units are isolated from other ORMUS units by the

water cage surrounding and protecting them, they would still not be

available for valence bonding with each other when paired valence

funnels came apart.


One thing particularly charming about superconductors is that they

can store a great deal of energy and this energy storage is

undiminished by time. Though superconductors can store a great deal

of energy, there is a limit. This limit is called Hc2. At the Hc2

limit the Cooper pairs of the superconductor can no longer handle the

energy and they break apart dropping the superconductor into a non

superconductive state.


In my single unit ORMUS superconductor model, the paired valence

funnels allow the spinning ORMUS unit to spin faster as they pair up.

But the ORMUS unit can be spun faster and faster only up to a certain

point. At this point centrifugal forces pull the paired valence

funnel arms apart and the ORMUS unit drops into a low spin state.

This would correspond to the Hc2 phenomena in conventional type one

and two superconductors.


In several of his lectures Hudson said that exposure to ionizing

radiation, like UV and higher, would drop the ORMUS elements into the

low spin state. In the passage above he said that heat alone would

drop ORMUS mercury into the low spin state as gold. He said that if

other low spin gold was available then valence bonds would be formed

between the atoms and they would become gold metal.


In his Tampa lecture David Hudson said:


"I've found that there are four substances that pin these high spin

atoms and take them back to the low spin state.  Those substances are

sulfites (SO3), carbon and carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, and short

wavelength radiation (deep ultraviolet or shorter).  That's what

caused this stuff to explode in sunlight, I found out later.   So

there are four major things which cause this to go back to the low

spin state.  So, actually, in your body there are four things which

cause this to go back to the low spin state.  So that in your body it

kills the light.  It causes them to go back to the low spin state.


I will say that when nitric oxide interreacts with these elements,

taking them back to the low spin state, that it does involve a

phenomenon called electron annihilation.  And the actual nitric

oxides instead of being nitrogen 14 becomes radioactive carbon 14

when that occurs.  So that in your body, when dying you are producing

radioactive carbon 14.  It gets in your body a different way than

they tell you it does."


Hudson's observations fit well into my theoretical spin model of the

behavior of the ORMUS elements. The short wavelength radiation revs

up the spin of the ORMUS unit till centrifugal forces break the

paired valence bonds. These newly available valence electrons might

then form valence bonds if sulfites, carbon monoxide and nitric oxide

are readily available. These elements apparently serve to hold the

ORMUS unit in a low spin state but the unit must still form

metal-metal bonds by getting into close enough proximity to other low

spin ORMUS units.


Jim made some very powerful ORMUS products from various metals using

ozone. His process included exposing the green acid ORMUS solution to

microwaves in a microwave oven between exposures to ozone. Though he

knew that the microwave could drop the ORMUS back to metal, he also

believed that the microwaves, in smaller doses, could rev the ORMUS

up into a higher energy state.


I suspect that the pulsed magnetic field of the magnetic blender and

of the magnetic traps might also be capable of revving the ORMUS up

into a higher spin state and, if overdone, causing it to drop to a

low spin state. Fortunately it appears that there might be molecular

"boxes" that ORMUS "likes" to "hide out" in and that these molecular

"boxes" provide some degree of protection to the ORMUS from outside

forces. Salt water seems to be particularly helpful in this regard.


These "boxes" also seem to allow us to get a handle on the ORMUS. I

imagine that ORMUS alone is as difficult to pick up as a greased

bowling ball without any finger holes. The only way to pick this

bowling ball up is to roll it into a box and pick up the box. I

suspect that much of what we are seeing when working with ORMUS is

not the ORMUS itself but, rather, the box it is in.


Mike Halat first used the term "clathrate" in an ORMUS related post to one of the forums I manage on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 in a post to the ORMUS SWG. In this post he suggests that the ORME elements might form the clathrate itself or the clathrate host:


From: "Mike Halat"

Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:31:36 -0700

Subject: Re: [ORMUS_SWG] chemical analysis. Taking exception,,,


Gases are subject to Boyle's law which states that PV=nRT where P is

pressure, V is volume, T is temperature. Thus, the volume occupied by a gas

increases as the temperature increases. The volume occupied by an ORME does

appear to change with a change in temp. Gas deposits (such as natural gas)

are found underground and not in surface mineral deposits. ORMEs are found

in surface mineral deposits. There is no reason to believe that ORME is an

inert gas.


A clathrate can be viewed as a "chemical box". Some of the pioneering work

on clathrates was done by Limus Pauling in the early 1950s. Pauling

demonstrated that the molecular formula of chlorine hydrate is 6Cl2*46H2O

comprised of dodecahedra and tetrakaidecahedra. The clathrate chlorine

hydrate exists at a temp < 4 degrees C. Many isostructural clathrate

compounds have been discovered since then. Common to all of them is a simple

cubic lattice whose crystallographic cell is made out of 46 tetrahedral

linked atomic units. These framework species form cagelike voids of high

symmetry in which another type of atomic species is encapsulated. These

clathrates feature two types of cages - a 20 atom cage (dodecahedron) and a

24 atom cage (tetrakaidecahedron). Thus, there are two small and 6 large

cages in the unit cell. Chemists have synthesized covalent clathrate

frameworks out of sp3 hybridized group IV elements with encapsulated alkali

metal atoms such as Na8Si46; Si is considered the host atom and Na is

considered the guest atom. Further work has yielded superconducting

galium-germanium clathrates such as Ba8Ga16Ge30 (Tc=7.5 K). A guest-free

Ge136 clathrate was recently synthesized which exhibits a low-density,

open-caged structure with potential use as a semiconductor. It was made at a

temp of 300 degrees C whereas Ba8Ga16Ge30  was made by heating a

stoichiometric mixture of the elements at 4.4 degrees C/min to 1080 degrees

C, held there for one hour, then cooled at 0.8 degrees C/min to 875 degrees

C. Then cooled at 2.3 degrees C/min to room temp.


ORMEs may very well be clathrates with the Au or Ir or Rh (etc) as the host



Mike Halat


----- Original Message -----

From: Barry Carter <>

To: <>

Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 7:20 PM

Subject: Re: [ORMUS_SWG] chemical analysis. Taking exception,,,


> Dear Friends,


> Arthur suggested that the chemical box that ORMEs might hide out in

> is something called a clathrate. Here is a part of the Wikipedia



> A clathrate or clathrate compound or cage compound is a chemical

> substance consisting of a lattice of one type of molecule trapping

> and containing a second type of molecule. The word clathrate is

> derived from the Latin clatratus meaning with bars or a lattice.[1]

> An example of a clathrate is clathrate hydrate, a special type of gas

> hydrate in which a lattice of water molecules encloses molecules of a

> trapped gas. Scientists believe that compounds on the sea bed have

> trapped large amounts of methane in similar configurations.

> Researchers have begun to investigate silicon and germanium

> clathrates for possible semiconducting and superconducting properties.


> You can read the rest of the definition at:




> At 10:09 AM 3/22/2008, you wrote:


> >Dear Mike,

> >

> >I agree, the NuTech powder is probably not pure ORMEs. In fact, I

> >suspect that the white powder that David Hudson made from gold and

> >the other transition metals is not pure ORMEs. My hypothesis is that

> >any visible ORME is visible because it is inside a chemical box that

> >makes it visible. David Hudson, in a couple of lectures, also

> >speculated along these lines. He suggested that true ORMEs are an

> >inert gas. He claimed that they go with water when it evaporates and

> >condenses. I would propose that everything we see and have called

> >ORME is just the chemical structure that the real ORME elements are

> >hiding out in. I would also propose that different chemical boxes

> >will have different properties and behaviors that will combine

> >aspects of the ORME element hanging out inside the box with aspects

> >of the behavior of the box itself. Thus, according to this

> >hypothesis, ORMEs made or concentrated by one certain alchemical

> >method would have some different properties and behaviors from ORMEs

> >made by another method like the method described in Hudson's patent.

> >

> >Are you aware of any scientific evidence that might discredit this


> >

> >At 09:28 AM 3/22/2008, you wrote:

> >

> > >The NuTech white powder was not made by fusion. It was made by


> > >from an acidic solution. The NuTech white powder exhibits a crystalline

> > >structure under a microscope. ORMEs are not crystalline. The NuTech


> > >powder is not pure ORMEs.

> > >

> > >Mike Halat


Mike Halat also posted a brief complaint about David Hudson being "prone to stating pure speculation as fact" and my use of the Hudson quotes in a response to the ORMUS SWG a few days later:


Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:04:50 -0700

Subject: Re: [ORMUS_SWG] chemical analysis. Taking exception,,,


I think that David Hudson was prone to stating pure speculation as fact.

There is no experimental data to support his claim that, "one iridium atom

controls 56 waters of hydration around itself". There is no experimental

data to support a claim that an auridide, iridide, or ruthidide are stable

or can even form in an aqueous environment.


Water clathrates can hold various gas atoms but only at temperatures below

the freezing point of water. Water clathrates are prepared in the laboratory

by super cooling gaseous water to a crystalline solid without going through

the liquid phase. The quote from the Chaplin website references an article

from the Int J Mass Spec. On page 272 of this article it states, "The

temperature of the ion source had to be lower than 130 K for water clusters,

and alkali metal ion clathrates could only be observed below 170 K". Water

clathrates are not even stable at room temp.


Mike Halat




sure we discussed it with him more on my forum than you did on any of yours

and he never offered any factual evidence to support it. I have textbooks

here giving literally thousands of organometallic compounds which contains

a single orme element atom in the middle which is held in place by covalent

coordinate bonds. Those are real evidence for how ormes are likely to be

found in nature. NONE of those are clathrates. Mike couldn't find any

examples of orme clathrates either.


This does not mean that they are not clathrates, clathrate hosts or clathrate guests. It just means that these are hypothesis that have not been fully examined scientifically. I think that one of the most significant questions we might have to deal with is how we can avoid the perpetuation of David Hudson's tendency to state "pure speculation as fact" and to avoid doing this ourselves.