Sea-Crop Results


The following information has been supplied by John Kempf of Advancing Eco-Agriculture in Middlefield, Ohio.


John Kempf is an Amish agronomist who advises and services farmers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana and other states east of the Mississippi River.


General Observations:

In all applications the root system of the treated plants was increased.

In all instances soil tilth and microbial populations were enhanced.

In all cases Sea-Crop improved the health and vigor of the treated plants.

Using Sea-Crop on transplants of crucifers, melons and peppers decreased the incidence of transplant loss by at least 50%.

In all applications the size, weight and shelf life of fruits and vegetables was increased.


John Kempf says “Every farmer needs to use Sea-Crop.”


John Kempf supervised the following applications of Sea-Crop in 2008:


Apples 40 acres    3 gallons of Sea-Crop per acre as a foliar spray.

Result:  Brought fire blight under control, improved disease resistance and increased the color and sugar content.


Crucifers 100 acres 4 gallons Sea-Crop per acre

Result:  Crisper leaves, better shelf life, increased harvest by 10%.


Corn 2,000 acres   2 gallons Sea-Crop per acre in the furrow

Result:  Increased stress tolerance of all kinds and increased yield by 10%.


Popcorn 200 acres 2 gallons Sea-Crop per acre in the furrow with a microbial inoculant.

Result:  The neighbor across the road on the same type of soil planted the same variety of popcorn. The neighbor used 200 pounds of nitrogen to the acre and the Sea-Crop farmer used 40 pounds of nitrogen. The Sea-Crop treated popcorn gave a 40% greater yield using 80% less fertilizer. The Sea-Crop treated field was ready for harvest 20 days earlier than the conventionally treated field.


Cucumbers 300 acres    2 gallons Sea-Crop per acre split foliar application.

Result:  Increased stress tolerance, disease resistance and powdery mildew suppression.


Forage 2,000 acres 2 gallons Sea-Crop per acre.

Result:  The sugar content of the forage increased by 20% and the yield increased by 10%.


Alfalfa 2,000 acres  3 gallons Sea-Crop per acre.

Result:  The yield increased by 15%.


Lettuce 10 acres   4 gallons Sea-Crop per acre split application.

Result:  Increased crispness, flavor and shelf life.


Melons: 200 acres 6 gallons Sea-Crop per acre split 4 drip and 2 foliar.

Result:  Improved root structure, disease resistance greatly increased by a factor of 5 against powdery mildew, melons were larger, the brix readings were 15% to 20% higher and the yields were increased by 10% to 40%.


Peaches 10 acres 2 gallons of Sea-Crop per acre split foliar application.

Result:  Increased color, increased brix, greater size and a 10% greater yield.


Pears  10 acres    3 gallons Sea-Crop per acre split foliar application.

Result:  Controlled fire blight 100%, stopped it dead in its tracks.


Peppers 150 acres  6 gallons Sea-Crop per acre.

Result:  Increased the wall thickness of the peppers by more than 50%, yields increased by 20%.


Small grains:

Barley 100 acres   2 gallons Sea-Crop per acre on the soil at planting.

Oats  300 acres

Rye   500 acres

Wheat 1,000 acres

Result:  Increased stress tolerance and more heads per stock, 10% greater yields.


Tomatoes 300 acres       6 gallons of Sea-Crop per acre split at plant, drip and foliar.

Result:  Higher sugar levels and a 20% increase in yield.


Zucchini 100 acres  4 gallons of Sea-Crop per acre.

Result:  Increased disease resistance and stress tolerance, a 20% increase in yield.